What’s on the agenda of the HEAP BYOD#3?

To prepare for the workshop, attendees have uploaded data and analysis pipelines to the Hopsworks informatics platform. The data sources are:

  • Cervical Cancer Screening Cohort (Karolinska Institute)
  • Finnish Maternity Cohort (University of Oulu)
  • HPV Vaccination Cohort (Tampere University Hospital)
  • Consumer cohort (Statens Serum Institute)
  • Wearable Data Collection Study (Karolinska Institute)
  • Lifestyle cohort (University of Innsbruck)
  • Machine Learning for metagenomics (ICM, University of Warsaw)

The aims for the first three days of the BYOD are to:

  • Design and implement common metadata for querying the datasets in Hopsworks.
  • Define the analysis tools installed in the platform: source code, resources, dependencies, repositories, and documentation
  • Finally, to install the selected tools and implement the chosen pipelines 

Day 4 will focus on a presentation of the results, communications planning for the year ahead, and discussions about the sustainability of the HEAP platform.

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